Next, i was off to Iona to waste some time before Nikon opened and i could retrieve my "evil"
Walking in the inner ponds i decided to wait out some Blue-winged teal, laying down on some kinda-yucky ground wasn't fun, but at least it was soft
eventually got lucky aned a few started to drift my way, super skitish bird, i know if i was standing up there was no way they would come close like they did.
among the small group of teal was a curious fella, who my suspicions tell me might be a Blue-winged teal X Northern Shoveler mix, it was in with the teal acting just like them while another group of shoveler swam in the distance, all by themselves.
Looking through my guide-book i notice that early fall shoveler males have a similar cresent mark on their cheek but seeing one this early? does that make sense?
i don't know, interesting bird though.
later on i came across some birds on a wire, Purple martins to be exact.
and even a White-crowned sparrow taking a break, hey, even birds need to chill sometimes.
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