If you are lucky and time it right, watching the "show" (as i call it) at the pond can be pretty amazing.
From the viewing platform you are above the marshy reeds and can get decent shots of the warblers as they hawk insects and whatnot in front of you.
If you shoot from beside the platform along the pathway eye level shots are possible and desired, wood warblers are often viewed high up in the trees so whenever you can get them at eye level, ya gotta spend some time working it
Two days in a row shooting these guys, yesterday i parked my car inside the gate and had to leave early before the automatic gate closed, just as the "show" was getting good, today, i decided to go back (parking outside this time) in the afternoon, after the rain and it was pretty awesome.
All Audubon's variety at the moment, which i needed better shots of anyways. check!
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